Hinchinbrook Flooding Disaster Relief Resources
Hinchinbrook Disaster Dashboard: https://disaster.hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au
Hinchinbrook Shire Council: https://www.hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au
Queensland Small Business Commissioner: https://qsbc.qld.gov.au
Regional Development Australia, Townsville, and North West QLD: https://www.rdanwq.org.au
Business Chamber Queensland: https://businesschamberqld.com.au
Townsville Chamber of Commerce: https://www.townsvillechamber.com.au
Department of Customer Services, Open Data and Small and Family Business: https://www.business.qld.gov.au
Queensland Cane Agriculture & Renewables: https://qcar.org.au
Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority: https://www.qrida.qld.gov.au
Canegrowers: https://www.canegrowers.com.au
Townsville Enterprise Limited: https://www.townsvilleenterprise.com.au
Has your business been impacted by flooding?
We know the recent weather has caused major disruptions for businesses across the Hinchinbrook and surrounding districts, and nearby towns of Cardwell and Townsville and further. This is a hard time for everyone, and the Hinchinbrook Chamber is going to do everything in our power to support and assist wherever and however we can. We’ve already been in discussions with leading Government and Business Bodies and Chambers to compile a list of resources and useful links and information. As more data becomes available, we will update this page.
Thanks to our partnership with Townsville Chamber of Commerce, who have commenced the communications with all levels of government, advocating for businesses, and have shared with us some key resources that are currently available that we hope will help you:
Emergency Assistance – Always call 000 in an emergency.
Insurance Claims – Lodge claims ASAP. Take photos before cleaning up. If you’re having issues with your insurer: Insurance Council Assistance https://insurancecouncil.com.au/abou…/complaints-concerns/
Disaster Relief Payments – The QLD Government has activated relief payments for individuals and families in impacted areas: More info here https://www.qld.gov.au/community/disasters-emergencies
Queensland Community Recover Hotline – 1800 173 349
Ergon Energy – 13 16 70
Lifeline’s Crisis Hotline – 13 11 14
Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
For Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander’s – 13 YARN
Insurance Council of Australia: North and Far North Tropical Low Community Support – https://insurancecouncil.com.au/resource/support-is-available/
Small Business Wellness Coaches – One-on-one support for business owners facing personal and professional challenges: Learn more https://www.business.qld.gov.au/…/well…/wellness-coaches

Small Business Financial Counselling – Free, confidential support to help navigate financial challenges: Find help here https://www.rfcsnq.com.au/small-business
Rural and Industry Assistance
Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority – 1800 623 946
– Thanks to information from Queensland Cane Agriculture & Renewables – Tips for growers to prepare for the possible assistance applications in the following ways:
When safe to do so – take photos of damage – this is very important. Upload to the cloud or email themselves copies of documents that will be required (in case computers or physical documents are destroyed they can then be accessed remotely)
Copies of IDs
Rates notices/ lease agreements
Income Tax Records
Soil test results (pre disaster)
Bookmark https://www.qrida.qld.gov.au/primary-producers. Within hours of activation, the applications will be available online here.
The Client Services team can put growers through to the disaster team, or their Regional Area Manager, who can help them through any questions they have.
Qld Department of Primary Industries impact survey on this link: https://bit.ly/3SBca3U

Townsville Enterprise: Business Impact Survey – To ensure North Queensland businesses receive the support they need, they need to hear from you. Your input is necessary in shaping recovery packages and securing the necessary support available from all levels of Government.