Chamber Connecting Business Owners to Support Post Flood Event
Hinchinbrook Life Column – Tuesday 4th March 2025 Edition
In the aftermath of the recent flooding in the Hinchinbrook Shire, Hinchinbrook Chamber has been working closely with many government agencies over the past few weeks, in an effort to bring as much support as possible for business owners who have been impacted by this event.
Having already hosted two well attended community information session with Sam Spina, Regional Area Manager FNQ QRIDA, Chamber is now taking individual bookings for business owners who would like to meet and discuss their application with a QRIDA representative. These appointments are available on Tuesday 4th March, 2025 from 1.00pm to 4.30pm, please contact Chamber for further information as bookings are already filling quickly.
Tuesday will also see the Small Business Commissioner, Dominique Lamb visit the Shire, to meet with the business community and gain a better understanding of the impact this event has had on their operations now and sustainability into the future. There will be an opportunity for local business owners and managers to meet with Commissioner Dominique Lamb at Lee’s Hotel, commencing at 5.00pm on Tuesday 4th March, 2025.
Additional officers from the Department of Small and Family Business will also be in town from Tuesday to Thursday and will be available to speak to any business owners or managers to understand how they can further support the needs of the business community, to assist with recovery and return to full operations.
For those in the business community who seeking some assistance, by way of financial assistance or mental health support, these officers have been on the ground and are visiting the region on a regular basis and are available for individual appointments as required.
Hinchinbrook Chamber has worked tirelessly during and since the flooding began in an effort to inform, update, support and advocate on behalf of the business community of the Shire and will continue this much needed service until it is no longer required. For any business owner who is requiring assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out via our phone, email or social media contacts.
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(Copied from “Chamber Connecting Business Owners to Support Post Flood Event” – Hinchinbrook Life Newspaper, 4th March 2025)