Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Hinchinbook Way - Lannercost Street - Andrew Rankin
Hinchinbrook Way - Lucinday Jetty - Quinn Lawson
Hinchinbrook Way - Sand Cay East Of Orpheus Snorkling - Mark Fitzpatrick
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Chamber to host Candidate’s Forum

Peter Reitano

The Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Tourism will be hosting a Candidate’s Forum at TYTO Conference & Events Centre on Thursday, March 19, 2020 from 5:30pm for a formal start at 6:00pm.

The event will provide the community with an opportunity to meet and listen to the candidates running for the local government election on Saturday, 28 March, 2020.

Each candidate will have the chance to introduce themselves, talk about their election platforms and outline the skills and experience they would bring to council if elected.

The candidates will speak  in the order that they appear on the ballot paper and will be allocated approximately four minutes each to address the audience.

After the candidates have spoken, the public will have the opportunity to write down any questions that they have during a 10 minute intermission. 

Questions can be addressed to either an individual or to all candidates and selected questions will be read out by the forum chairperson, Adam Douglas. 

Questions will be answered during an open forum discussion that will run until approximately 8.00pm.

Chamber will also be posing questions, on behalf of their members and the broader business community, to the candidates on the night.

This free event will be live-streamed on Facebook for those who are unable to attend however questions will only be taken by audience members who are present at the forum.

Chamber would like to acknowledge that members of the Management Committee who have nominated as candidates have been excluded from planning the forum, and from contributing to questions on behalf of the chamber, in the interest of neutrality.

Chamber hopes to see members of the community take advantage of the opportunity to make an informed decision before casting their valuable vote at the upcoming election by attending this important event.

Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism