Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
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Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce Register Your Employment Opportunity Now

Hinchinbrook Life Column – Tuesday January 21st 2025 Edition

The Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Inc. is a membership based, not-for-profit organisation that supports and advocates on behalf of the local business community. With this, comes valuable partnerships with leading organisations such as Townsville Enterprise Limited, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland, Government Bodies, Regional Development Australia Townsville North West.

Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce understand that many businesses showcase job opportunities, and they want to help you. 

By using the Jobs North Queensland/ Regional Development Australia/Live North Queensland Online portals it allows businesses to reach a broader audience of people seeking employment, it is also free.

If you are a business looking to advertise a position you can follow the directions below:

   • Jobs North Queensland
   • Sign In/Register
   • Job Seeker? Employer?
   • Register your details or sign in with Facebook, Google or Apple Accounts
   • Along the top menu, you’ll find “Employers” – “Post a job”
   • Fill in job details as prompted – Save and Go to Preview
   • Employer Dashboard can also take you to “Post a Job”, and follow the above directions
   • Employer Dashboard shows all the jobs you have listed, any applications made, and any AirCV’s that are selected for that job.

   • Regional Development Australia
   • Projects
   • Jobs Townsville North Queensland
   • Jobs North Queensland (https://www.jobsnorthqueensland.com.au)
   • And follow the directions as per above to list your job

   • Live North Queensland is also connected to Jobs North Queensland, so if someone clicks into “work” along the top menu bar – “Find a job in North Queensland”, it’ll take you to Jobs North Queensland and your job listing. Or there’s a side bar menu “Looking for Jobs?” – “Find out more”, and it’ll take you to Jobs North Queensland as well.
   • And follow the directions as per above to list your job

The Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Tourism Inc. wish you all the best filling your employment positions, and should you require any further assistance with any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact them through any of their platforms.  New members are always very welcome and also make sure to follow them on social media.

Get the latest edition today, or find it online.

(Copied from “Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce-Register your employment opportunity now” – Hinchinbrook Life Newspaper, 21st January 2025)

Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism