Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
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Hinchinbrook Chamber recognised for Excellence

Queensland’s peak business body has recognised the Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Tourism for its accomplishments by holding their recent achievements up as an example for other chambers of commerce across Queensland.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) was impressed to learn that the small, regional organisation had secured significant grant funding to finance capacity-building and economic stimulus projects in the Hinchinbrook Shire and expressed a desire to share their success stories with other Queensland chambers.

Hinchinbrook Chamber President, Rachael Coco, said it was “very humbling to receive this type of recognition” and she credited chamber’s Management Committee, membership and sponsors for inspiring the projects and supporting the efforts required to bring each idea to fruition.

“As a smaller chamber, we often feel like we fly under the radar so it was very rewarding to realise that someone not only noticed, but actually commended our triumphs” said Ms Coco.

“Our chamber, like our shire, is proactive, resilient, passionate and hard-working – we enjoy thinking outside the box and trying things that haven’t been done before and CCIQ has consistently proved to be an excellent source of information, connectivity, support and strength along the way” she said.

“I noticed during a previous meeting with other Queensland chambers that some of the participants were really interested in the things that we’re doing, just as I found their insights to be incredibly valuable, and to see CCIQ taking a genuine interest in our activities is something that I have to say I’m tremendously proud of.”

CCIQ CEO, Stephen Tait, said that local chambers of commerce are “incredibly important as they bring local businesses together supporting them to succeed, and the success of small businesses is vital for communities and economies”. “At the moment, many of our regions face significant challenges, so hearing what the Hinchinbrook Chamber has been able to achieve is fantastic” said Mr Tait. “For them (Hinchinbrook Chamber) to create and implement such a tangible way to support businesses in their region is something we want to share, as it’s CCIQ’s desire to see every small business in Queensland succeed” he said.

“To enable that to happen, we are committed to continuing to strengthen the network of local chambers across Queensland (and) sharing experiences, ideas and positive outcomes is one way we can do that.”

“This year, more than any other, it’s been crucial for us (CCIQ) to unite with Chambers across the state to be the voice for small business … the more chambers can learn from each other’s successes, the stronger they can become and the more they can do for their local communities.”

The Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Tourism is currently offering $550 e-commerce microgrants to businesses based in the Hinchinbrook Shire and will be launching its “Shop the Hinchinbrook Way” community gift card program and voucher giveaway promotion in October.

For more information, phone Chamber President Rachael Coco on 0414 698 610.

Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism