Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Hinchinbook Way - Lannercost Street - Andrew Rankin
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FREE – Community Grant Information session – POSTPONED!

Tyto Conference and Events Centre 73-75 Mcilwraith Street, Ingham, Queensland, Australia

DUE TO RECENT FLOODING, THIS EVENT WILL BE POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE! FREE! Join us for an informative session on community grants. Learn about the application and acquittal process, access valuable resources and have your questions answered in a dedicated Q&A segment. Topics of discussions: 🔸 Grant Framework 🔸 Grant Application and Acquittal 🔸 […]

Morning Melodies with Thomas Armstrong-Robley

JK Kelly Theatre Ingham, Queensland, Australia

Two of the greatest piano men of all time, Billy Joel and Barry Manilow come together in a unique and spectacular celebration of their beloved music & lyrics. Starring internationally acclaimed vocalist Thomas Armstrong-Robley direct from performances in over 40 countries, Barry & Billy: In Concert boasts a set-list of chart-topping hits from both icons. […]

International Soprano Sensation MIRUSIA – Concert

Hinchinbrook Shire Hall 25 Lannercost Street, Ingham, Queensland

International Soprano Sensation MIRUSIA in 40th Birthday Celebration Concert by Andre Rieu's Star Soprano! Join us in 2025 for a spectacular celebration concert experience! From a young age, Mirusia knew she was destined to sing and entertain and share her passion for music. Her journey to international stardom began when she was discovered by the […]

Morning Melodies: Billy and Barry Tribute

Hinchinbrook Shire Hall 25 Lannercost Street, Ingham, Queensland

Morning Melodies: Billy and Barry Tribute Two of the greatest piano men of all time, Billy Joel and Barry Manilow come together in a unique and spectacular celebration of their beloved music & lyrics. Starring internationally acclaimed vocalist Thomas Armstrong-Robley direct from performances in over 40 countries, Barry & Billy: In Concert boasts a set-list […]

Baby Welcoming Ceremony

Hinchinbrook Shire Library 73-75 Mcilwraith Street, Ingham, Queensland

Each new baby that has arrived in the community over the past twelve months will receive a Welcoming Certificate, Sapling and a Gift Bag. Parents can plant their sapling to commemorate their new baby and watch as they both grow, providing for the future prosperity of the Hinchinbrook Shire. Enjoy a fun filled morning of […]


Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism